Our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring Co-opetition is back! Who will bring in the most soup to help those in need? If you are in the choir or sit on the organ side, bring tomato soup this year; if you sit in the middle and pulpit side, bring chicken noodle soup. For storage purposes at the PCC, please bring the 10.75 ounce cans only. If you write a check, please note ”tomato” or “chicken noodle” so that the proper team is credited. Of course, the winners here are the families assisted through the PCC. Start bringing in your soup and let the Co-opetition begin!
The Super Bowl Game tradition is not complete unless you begin your Sunday at church and stay for our “Souper Bowl of Caring” lunch following worship. Please bring your favorite crockpot of soup, bread, or finger-food desserts to share - then head home for an afternoon of fun, family, and the Super Bowl! Sign-up now in Heritage Hall