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“ Together we are stronger, together we are unbroken, together we can do anything“

Covenant Ministries

The dynamic ministries of Covenant Presbyterian Church are carried out by multiple teams, sub-teams and committees that consist of elders, deacons, church members and staff. 
For more information about each Ministry, please click the links below.

Covenant Formations

Women’s Bible Study

Covenant women and friends are invited to attend our twice-monthly Women's Bible Study group! This small group ministry, founded in 1984, focuses on both friendship and study, using a variety of books and/or videos. Currently meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, September – May. The study topics are selected by the participants and guided by a church member.

Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship

Men of all ages are welcome to join this fellowship and study group. Study topics are selected by the participants and guided by a church member. This group meets on the first and third Saturday each month from September – May.

Centering Prayer

This spiritual practice is led by church members for those seeking a time for quiet and deeper spiritual connection to God. Our Centering Prayer group meets weekly on Zoom. Weekly meditations are shared by email for personal reflection.
Loving God. Loving people. Making disciples.
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