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Parents and caregivers continue to discuss The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt throughout the month of February. This thought-provoking book explores how technology and overprotective parenting have contributed to a rise in mental health issues among young people. Our book club meets every Sunday morning in the Red Room during the Sunday School hour (9:15 – 10:15 AM). Join us for stimulating discussions and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Childcare for kids of all ages is provided. Feel free to drop in, even if you haven’t read the book or attended every session!

Ray Zubler will wrap up Bob Goff’s book Love Does in the month of February. Goff encourages us to think about how we “do love” and encourages us to live a fully engaged life here and now, not sometime in the future. Gather in the Blue Room starting February 2nd and 9th at 9:15 AM.

Pastor Rachel Vogado will lead an adult class on February 16th, 23rd, and March 2nd before we transition to a combined Lenten class led by Jewel and Rachel.

Loving God. Loving people. Making disciples.
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