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Preschool Programs


Our Nursery program serves children 6 months to 18 months. The teachers strive to nurture and care for our young students while helping them achieve important development milestones. The children enjoy time outside every day (weather permitting) and participate in many age-appropriate activities throughout the day. There is a lot of dancing, singing, sensory play, and arts & crafts for every season of the year. Our main focus is to make each child happy and to give them all a fun, caring place to come to each day.


Our Toddlers program serves children ages 18 months to 3 years. As children start to toilet train, teachers follow the methods used at home. Those who may not seem ready yet are gently encouraged to try. The children play on the playground everyday (weather permitting). We focus on making friends, sharing, and being kind to each other, along with curriculum basics such as learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. There is plenty of free time to explore and pique curiosity. This class is FUN!!

3 - 4 Year Olds

The three and four year old class is a lively place! The days are busy, fun, and full of energy! Children are taught through monthly unit topics, which include a variety of activities such as creative art, stories, finger plays, music, and lots of playtime in centers and outdoors. Children learn about sharing, making friends, showing respect, and becoming independent. Academically, they learn about colors, shapes, numbers, and letter recognition. Students are beginning writers, scientists, and mathematicians! Each day, they can’t wait to come to school! *Children must be potty-trained to join this class.


This class for 4 - 5 year olds is filled with lots of playing, reading, singing, writing, counting, drawing, and laughing! The class also learns music each week. There are occasional field trips and “special days”  such as Trunk or Treat, Pajama Day, Reading Week, Fire Responder Day, as well as a Christmas Program and Graduation. All of these activities help prepare your child for kindergarten in a developmentally appropriate way.

Class Times

Monday — Friday
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Additional Services


We offer a music and movement class and chapel every week for all students.

Early Drop-Off

Monday through Friday, staff is here for our early morning drop-off at 8:00 am. There is a $10.00/day fee for this service. Pre-registration is necessary. Please check with the Preschool Director for registration forms and more information.


We offer after school Soccer and Gymnastics programs throughout the year.  

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